Our team, having been through a whole year, trying to be prepared to the best extent possible for the summer competitions, set off its journey from Hungary and FSAE East. At this competition, after an extraordinary and full performance, we gained, among 30 teams, the following places and prizes in the individual events:
Static Events
- Businness Plan Presentation: 3rd place + 3rd place Prize
- Design Event: 10th place
- Cost Event: 17th place
Dynamic Events
- Skid Pad: 5th place
- Acceleration: 20th place
- Autocross: 19th place
- Endurance: 7th place
- Efficiency: 7th place
By these results, our team gained the 7th place overall with a total of 588 points, consequently achieving the best result of its history at one of the most difficult FSAE competitions internationally.
Afterwards, we went to Ulm, where we conducted some small repairs and we guaranteed that our car will be in the best condition possible, so that we are prepared for the FSAE Austria Competition, that was around the corner. In Austria, in one of the most prominent competitions worldwide, we had more distinctions, albeit we had a little misfortune, that cost us not to finish the Endurance. This had as a result our not gaining the best possible result that could be achieved, if compared with our total potential. More specifically, we gained, among others:
- Businness Plan Presentation: 2nd place + 2nd place Prize
- Cost Event: 2nd place + 2nd place Prize
- Skid Pad: 3rd place + 3rd place Prize
In cobination with our good performance in the rest of the individual events, we gained the 11th place overall, which, but for our not finishing the endurance due to a misfortune, would be even higher.
From these two competitions, our team gained many experiences and distinctions and is already looking forward to the competitions of 2019, being prepared to try for an even more productive and full-of-prizes year. We are ready. Are you?